هذا التصنيف يتضمن شركات سياحة مصر , تقدم شركات السياحة و السفريات عروض ورحلات سياحية داخلية و خارجية و خدمات اخرى مثل حجز طيران و حجز فنادق ويتم استعراض افضل 20 من اصل 1848 في شركات سياحة مصر بناء على تقييمات واراء و تجربة المستخدمين.
20 ب عمارات الشمس - خلف ميريديان الهرم
, الهرم , الجيزة
Egypt has been always a country of tourism where Europeans used to visit and see its antiquities dating back to the various eras and civilizations. In the recreational tourism domain, there are scores of unique tourist destinations such as Sharm -el-Sheikh, Hurghada, ...
48 شارع الجيزة - الدور 9 شقة 97 - امام مجلس الدولة
, الدقي , الجيزة
International Travel Bureau of Egypt (ITBE) was founded in 1989 by five partners who have been working together in the tourism field since 1976. The multi-lingual staffed company owns its office space and has a small fleet of buses.
ATA travel was established in 1979 (license no: 273) and since then has become one of the fastest growing travel companies in Egypt. Our reputation ensures service quality and the biggest record of reliability and trust from our agents all over the world. All our services ...