Who we are since 1930 till present… Those same words kept on enthusing Ahmed Fahmi El Kattan Bey (1881 – 1954) the founder of the technical education in Egypt, who had a dream and a vision that was realized upon his decision in the late twenties of the last century to retire, chasing his dream which ultimately materialized by founding “El Kattan Carpet Factory” for hand made rugs as the first producer of fine quality handmade rugs in 1930 in Egypt. Outstretching from Egypt, coupled with confidence and talent, he unfolded a fine artisanship in the weaving and hand made industry that challenged artisans all over the world in several international exhibitions in Belgium, USA, and Italy, which was crowned by receiving 2 gold medals in Brussels in 1935 for his exquisite and fine production of rugs. Since then, and from the same facility, an authentic listed palace built since 1815, we are continuing the legacy that was rooted by the founder in the family from generation to generation – both, guided by the original vision and framed by its embedded values we are still weaving with elegance for a multitude of clients; an individual or a company; family or business; an interior designer or an architect; a leader in your industry or a community developer; a retailer or a wholesaler.

عنوان: عمارات الاوقاف - كوبرى القبة
مدينة: القاهرة
تليفون: 02-22578066

تليفون إضافي: 02-22573543, 02-24526467
البريد: [email protected]
الموقع الإلكتروني: http://www.elkattan-eg.com
سنة التأسيس: غير متوفر
فاكس: 02-22573543
الكود البريدي: غير متوفر
مواعيد العمل: غير متوفر
ساعد الاخرين على معرفة تجربتك مع القطان للسجاد - المصرية لتجارة وصناعة السجاد من خلال اضافة تعليق وطرح رأيك حول هذه التجربة . ينبغي تسجيل الدخول اولاً

فروع القطان للسجاد - المصرية لتجارة وصناعة السجاد