Hinda Travel offers Tours of every destination within Egypt. One of our representatives will meet you from your plane and from then on, everything you need for a fantastic holiday will be laid on for you Hinda Travel Was founded in 1997. During a short period, we grew rapidly and become recognized as a specialized Services Providers, and successfully was able to manage the most difficult programs very smoothly. With our own Fleet of Luxury Coaches and our experienced Guides, Egyptologists & Escorts, we ensure excellent service and ground handling to the most beautiful spots inside Egypt. # Hinda Travel offers and extremely attractive rates to our clients Through our Special contracts in major hotels in Egypt. # Hinda Travel is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

عنوان: 74 شارع فريد سميكة
منطقة: مصر الجديدة
مدينة: القاهرة
تليفون: 02-26204880

تليفون إضافي: غير متوفر
البريد: [email protected]
الموقع الإلكتروني: http://www.hindatravel.com
سنة التأسيس: غير متوفر
فاكس: 02-26206007
الكود البريدي: غير متوفر
مواعيد العمل: غير متوفر
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