المدير العام
School Headmaster - عائشه محمد سيف سالم المقبالى
المنهج الدراسي
المنهج الأمريكي
المراحل الدراسية
- روضة - ما قبل الروضة - تمهيدي - الأول - الثاني - الثالث - الرابع - الخامس - السادس - السابع - الثامن - التاسع - العاشر - الحادي عشر - الثاني عشر
- QAK is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools through the Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools for grades KG-10. The Accreditation status signifies that QAK has undergone an intensive external evaluation based on standards that are set for a quality school. As part of this process, QAK implemented an action plan that ensures the school will continuously strive for growth and improvement. Currently, the school is applying for accreditation for grades 11 & 12. As new grades are added QAK will follow the MSA process and complete all the requirements for accrediting the additional grades.